GPRS 900/1800/1900 Triband
Convert GSM signal to PSTN line.
Perfect choice for PABX solution
Save cost by calling from GSM to GSM
GSMTONE operation:
Attach antenna
Insert SIM card
Connect telephoneConnect power - 9VDC @ 1500ma
Power on, a red LED should flash for a few seconds then go off.
The LED should go on when off hook.
The network LED (bi-color) should flash when the GSM module is registered with the system.
Outgoing call:
Go off hook, Dialtone will appear.
Enter the number; after a 5 second pause in entering numbers, the number will be dialed.
Go on hook when the call is complete.
Incoming call:
Dial the SIM card number; the telephone attached to the GSMTONE unit should ring.
Go off hook to answer.
Go on hook when the call is complete.
If GSM signal drop to certain level, the loop current will be off.
Loop current will be restore after GSM signal back to normal.
TEL:+886-3-5396570FAX:+886-3-5401872ADDRESS:No.20 Lane 526 NiuPu East Road Hsinchu