LTE 590 4G Mobile Surveillance
This system import mobile audio/video surveillance camera equipped with guards as Mobile Security. Through 4G/LTE network to provide telecommunications services, audio/video data will be sent to rear control center, and all data will be stored inside memory.
Embedded GPS module: return patrol positions immediately, and be marked on the Map of Central Management System (CMS).
Tracing Path: GPS tracing routes are stored by CMS, supervisor can  trace back.
Application APP: supervisor can monitor patrol status through smart phone APP(iOS/Android)

Mobile Park Security、
Mobile Community Security、
Mobile  Campus Security
Model LTE590 Hardware specification.  
1.4G with active GPS on board
2. SoC with H.264 compression
3. 1 RS232 console port inside.
4. 1 external USB port to store video file and parameters.
5.Metal housing with optional waterproof plastic housing.
6. Battery 12V, 8700mAh, with locker, prefer with capacity indicator
7. Wifi (optional miniPCIe, higher connector, so it can have component underneath)
8. 1 SMA connector(hole) for 4G main antenna
9. App for iOS and Android with Central Management System
10. 1 SMA connector(pin) for active GPS antenna
11. 1 miniDin connector for CCTV camera
12. Power jack with lockable
13. Carry case for unit+battery, camera, GPS antenna.
TEL:+886-3-5396570FAX:+886-3-5401872ADDRESS:No.20 Lane 526 NiuPu East Road Hsinchu